Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Seeing Channels

I think this activity was fun. I'm not a big fan of book work so this assignment definitely beat doing that. In a way, I also think this could come across as a little hurtful if you don't get voted for one of the categories you wanted.If you wanted to get voted for something but didn't you could just improve yourself so that you are a little more like what that category says. I liked that this showed what people in the class thought of you and I think we should do a few more things like this.


Michelle Sylvia said...

I get what you're saying Shauna, and this activity was definitley not done to make anyone feel bad. It was done so that you all could see how others perceive you, especially as you all are preparing for the world of work or college. I wish I could be involved in an activity like this - that way I could know how I'm perceived and then I can work on myself, where my weakness is. You were voted for a lot of topics - so that should make you feel good!

Matt R said...

Shauna your a great friend and even though you didn't agree with this assignment, I think your a great person and someone to for help:]

Sloyce Reeper said...

That's a rather interesting take on the assignment and could even be a rather cool mantra to live by. If you compared everything to bookwork, life would probably seem a lot more exciting.

Shanika Rosa said...

Shauna your a great friend & i get what your saying..