Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Computer/Ryan

Computers have changed the way we access information over these last few years. With this easy access to information comes a host of online profiles that shows a person, their interests, and their habits. Everyone’s computer is completely different therefore people could tell many things about the websites you visit. I think this is the greatest benefit of the “online” era. We as complete individuals can leave a list of places that describe who we are and everything we want to accomplish, own, buy, sell, and just look at. Our entire personality just put online. People could learn so much from looking at the websites I visit. Looking through my history you could see sites like Wikipedia for my love of looking things up or maybe gamespot.com to see the next game review maybe you could see sites like guitar center to see my love of music.
Our computers have almost come to the point of shaping us in our world. They have become so important it has become second nature to totally rely on them for any and all information without it I think maybe people wouldn’t be able to function as well. It is sad but a bit true. We use them so frequently that they have become as big a part of our lives as technologies like the television or even the refrigerator. The information we can get can also help us discover things about ourselves so I think that these computers have come to shape who we become especially to little kids. Over time I think we will look to the past at others computer identities to see what they were like and if people visited mine they would see a lot. They would see my love for music constantly looking up “just one more band” while wasting valuable time. They would see my love for cinema. They would see how I check almost obsessively reviews, new trailers, and even just rumors about movies. I think is a bit scary how accurately you could get a clear picture of my personality just by checking my history. I think people would enjoy comparing their internet lives to my own in a museum setting. I would like to show off my “online” life and have people have that moment where they are life “oh, I visited that site too!”
I think the most interesting thing we could do with computers would be to look into the leaders and innovators of the past and see what they would look up. I’d look through so many people. The list is long I would look at Aristotle’s, Jesus, Mohammed, Newton, Beethoven, Poe, JFK, Bobby Kennedy, FDR, Randy Rhodes there are so many. I’d looked at people, who are alive too like George Romero, Zakk Wylde, Steve Bushemi, Bill Clinton, or Tom Hanks.

McKayla St.Onge

If you were sitting in front of my computer I don't know if you'd find much. I have a lot of pictures of family and friends. Next is music. I love music and I have playlist after playlist on ITunes. When there is nothing to do and I don't feel like going on the internet I like to play a good computer game whether it is Sims or Solitaire. I also am always on Facebook I talk to my family and friends through that. I more so use that than anything else. If a museum is ever made of me and they show what is on my computer you'll pretty much see how boring I really am. I don't do much exciting things. Yes I like to go on YouTube to watch stupid funny things, but other than that nothing much to it.

The internet can shape who we are but we can shape it also. You can put things on the internet that can be helpful to someone or you can put things that won't be as helpful either way we as a person are shaping the computer and the person on the receiving end is being shaped so it can work both ways. However if I got a chance to look at someone's computer I would have to say that I'd like to see Jacoby Ellsburry's computer.


Monday, April 5, 2010

My Desktop

My desktop isn’t really filled with a bunch of my stuff, but you could definitely learn a little bit about me from it. If you were to look through my files you’d find pictures from all different events like my sweet sixteen, junior prom, and just me hanging out with my friends. I bet you’d also find documents from when I was in middle school too because my computer is pretty old. I do not think what is on our computers shape us; I think we shape what’s on them. If you think about it, we put everything on there, so it’s kind of like a little part of us, but not all of what we are and do. When I’m famous and my computer is in a museum, I think people will like seeing the pictures on there. Pictures tell stories and show memories, which is always interesting to me. I would not want anybody looking over my internet search history because honestly that’s probably the most personal thing on my computer. I look up health issues, personal and probably embarrassing things that I would not want to display to the world. If I could take a peek into a famous figures’ computer, it would be Steve Jobs, co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. I’d like to see some of his designs for things he’s created and what’s coming next.

Allie Grant

What Your Computer Habits Say About You – Joe Cormier

After doing this project I have learned that you can tell a lot about someone. For instance if I was able to look inside someone’s computer like let’s say Kurt Cobain, I could easily tell who his favorite music artists are, what are his interests, who he idolizes, Financial status what political affiliation he has and countless other things. This way you could really get an idea of what a person is really like, I think that this is why the FBI would confiscate the computer of people believed to be involved with criminal. I personally wouldn’t want people to see all the stuff on my computer, it’s not like I have anything to hide, and I just value my privacy. And since I value my privacy I respect other people’s privacy and I really have no desire to view what maybe on any person’s computer famous or not.

My Computer – Ethan B.

Why would the FBI and law enforcement agency confiscate a computer for evidence? You can learn a lot about people from their computers. If another person was to look through my computer, they would find an excessive amount of information about my family and me. The individual looking through my computer could find considerable data about my life and my family. I currently have word documents that relate to my life from my birth to present time. Our financial records ranging from taxes to bank accounts would be found on my computer. My mother has tax records and personal expenses from the time we moved our house 15 years ago. Also, my parents do all their banking online. We have many family pictures and places we have vacationed. My entire family has Facebook accounts. At least one of my family members is on the main computer looking at Facebook, picking crops, writing papers or banking most of the time. The person looking through my computer would also find computer games. Basically, if someone were to access my computer they could potentially find everything about my life and my families.

    I think our life on the computer most definitely has a major impact on our lives. I believe that both our computers and their content outline who we are. Anyone can stop themselves from going on their computers at any point during the day, if they choose. We choose the time we access our computers and where we place them. This is the way we shape our computers. The way our computers shape us is with information that we decide to post on the internet. When a person posts to their Facebook accounts or friends write on walls, it is the computer shaping our lives. People look up information on a daily basis on the internet to use in everyday life. If I was famous and the "museum of you" was erected, I would not want the public to view it. I wouldn't want to go to a museum that was all about me. I would not want people to view my computer files, internet search history or my other personal information. If I could pick a computer to access, it would absolutely be the President's. He must have secret information on his computer that I and millions of others would like to see. I would be able to read his thoughts, views on topics and secret information about the United States and himself.

Inside Your Computer – Nick Gazzara

Your computer, and how you use it, says a lot about the type of person you are. A simple search or your internet history, or a look at your personal documents, will reveal your hobbies and habits when using the computer. However, even further than that, your computers specifications and customizations will also show what is important to you in the computer world.

As an example, if you were to take a look at my computer files you would mostly find college related material. I have a number of documents relating to the college process, ranging from my college essay to miscellaneous information about the various colleges I have applied. If you were to then venture into my internet history, you would find a mix of work and relaxation. You could expect to find a number of official college websites, as well as popular sites such as YouTube and Facebook where I tend to spend my leisure time on the computer.

Peeking into the computer of a famous person, such as Penn Gillette or Jackie Chan would be really interesting. I’m sure a large portion of their time would be spent on official business related to their jobs. However, both men are well documented as being leisure users as well. I could expect to find clips of Penn Gillette’s YouTube show or Jackie Chan’s Twitter and Blog updates.

To summarize, the computer can be a very revealing place. It can show a lot about your character and interests. Just make sure there isn’t anything questionable!

My Computer – Cameron Richards

When you think about your computer, you might never take the time to actually think what just might be on there. There is a lot of information that you would never think of being out there and seeing it might shock you. Now think if all this information was made public, in somewhere like a museum, how would you feel about that? Would you like everyone who goes to this place to be able to see what you’ve done on your computer? Just thinking about it kind of creeps me out because even if I have stuff on there I would be fine sending to friends I might not want people to check out all of my information. It might just be me but I feel that what I do on the computer as long as it’s legal should stay with me and remain that way unless I want to show someone something.

When it comes down to it though do you really have anything that you don’t want people seeing? I mean on my computer all they would really find is gaming type things which I really wouldn’t care if people saw. I mean I don’t care what people think about the gaming sites I’m on now so why would I care if it was public? Still I wouldn’t want that to be plastered up in some museum, mostly because that’s pretty boring stuff, it’s my information and that’s where it should stay not up somewhere so everyone can just look at it and check it out. Really though how much information would you be able to get out of my Gamespot account, or other accounts that I have, because mostly anything you would find on those sites are already out there on the web, I mean really just go onto the site and look me up not like anything on there is really private.

Though when you think about it aren’t we the ones responsible for what’s on our computers, for the most part, so why should we really want it to be secret? It’s not like my computer is just going to turn itself on, hopefully, and go on something that I don’t want it too, knock on wood, so why should it be private? When it really comes down to it the stuff on our computers are there because of what we look up it’s not like it’s someone else fault. Still if it came down to it I just feel like something that’s supposed to be private should stay that way and not just throw somewhere for the public to eat up like I was on TMZ. I mean the only reason people would even look at it would be to try finding something crazy on it that they can talk about and if they never find anything then they just throw it off as boring.

I really can’t imagine going to a museum and seeing something about my computer just because how boring that would be. Oh look at that he looked up a game on Gamespot isn’t that just crazy such a thrill, well maybe for me because I like that site. Half the stuff I do on my computer bores me so I couldn’t imagine someone watching it for hours, unless they needed a place to sleep in the museum or something, because really the average person doesn’t have this crazy life that you can find out on a computer. I mean there is the rare case where someone might be living a second life or have some strange private information but that’s only fun for so long. So when it comes to me if you looked at my computer you would probably be bored out of your mind unless you like video games, even then you would probably have more fun watching paint dry.

When it comes down to it I wouldn’t really want my stuff in a museum for a bunch of different reasons but if it ended up there I wouldn’t mind. I guess I don’t care enough about the stuff on my computer because nothing on there is really that crazy, unless you count checking mmo-champion every now and then as crazy. I just feel like if something is said to be private, not that anyone said that your computer is private it’s just thought of like that, then it should stay private and not put into public.

I’m sure that a lot of the people reading this will be like “Yeah that’s right!” and then go back to checking TMZ for some crazy gossip news. I mean I really don’t care enough to go through someone’s computer but if I was forced to pick one celebs computer to go through I guess I would go through The Cool Kids just to see if they have any songs I haven’t heard yet. I mean I really don’t care what they’re doing in their off time because mostly that’s none of my business. So when it comes down to it I really don’t care what’s going on someone’s computer as long as it isn’t illegal. Leave a comment on whether or not you think of this in the same way or maybe you think you should see be able to check people information, that would be kind of creepy though but hey I’m not one to judge.

A Unique Perspective – Austin Soares

So, I am sitting around, checking my Google Voice messages while listening to my music on iTunes when I get an update on Facebook. My life is so connected to my computer that everything that I do on my computer has a purpose. I have been using my MacBook Pro since October of sophomore year. It has seen many updates, many installations, and has played music for over 100+ hours. I have installed three different versions of Windows on a Boot Camp partition including XP, Vista, and now, Windows 7 Professional. I use programs like Photoshop, Flash, and Google Chrome on both operating systems.

If someone were to browse through my computer, they would realize that I am a very organized person. Most of my documents are in files found in different folders all in reach of a click on a stack in the dock. They would also notice how heavily I surround myself with customization of not only my iPhone, but also my computer. I have created custom icons, wallpapers, and themes for both platforms. I believe that shaping computers or computers shaping us happen both ways. At first, I bought a Mac to get organized and have more power at my fingertips for programs such as Photoshop, an eventually, this organization followed over to Windows 7 once I had installed it. I shape my computer personally when creating custom icons, docks, and wallpapers. The future of technology is too vast to comprehend, but if my computer was put on display for the whole world to see, I would like them to see all of the work that was put into files such as my senior project, Flashcore, as well as some of the Google Sketchup files I had created for my father’s company.

Personally, I would like to keep information such as usernames and passwords of various social media accounts to be private from view because each is simply unique and I wouldn’t want my unique usernames to be used again.

Of course, if I had to choose one person’s computer to view, I would choose Steve Jobs because after designing some of the components of my laptop and marketing such an amazing company, I would like to see if he uses his own products and if so, how he uses it in order to keep the company ahead of the game. I would most like to see how he decides how to present his keynotes that introduce new products, product updates, or even new services. Second priority would be to find out what kind of programs he uses day to day and whether or not he uses them correctly since after all, he thought of how to change the game and told us to “think different”. How would he use that concept on his programs if this is the case?