Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Seeing Channels

I wasn't the top choice for any of these categories, but that's fine with me. Seeing channels are important in a few different ways. It's how people see you. You might portray people to think that you are well organized, but really your very unorganized. When your talking to someone and you use hand motions or facial expressions it shows how you feel about this conversation. If you were talking to someone and they're holding their head up and looking around the room, it could mean they aren't really into what you have to say. Since I wasn't selected for the top choice it could mean that no one see's me in that way or it could mean that they someone that was better for that category, but nothing to worry about.

1 comment:

Michelle Sylvia said...

Well said Danielle. Sometimes not being selected is just fiiiiine! It means you're not portraying yourself negatively! I think there were plenty of categories that you could be chosen for. :)