Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Great Project

I was nominated for some of the criteria, but never was voted to win anything. This shows me that I have a lot of all-around abilities as a person because only standing out in one area and being no good at others usually doesn't help you in life. I came a few votes short to my good friend Royce in the instructor category because he is absolutely the best person in our shop at most things hands down, I just do my best to do what I can to compete. I'm surprised I wasn't put down in competitor at all because I always like a little bit of a challenge or a competition. I find "seeing channels" very important because by just looking at someone it can become obvious what's on their mind or how their day has been going whether good or bad. I;m no mind reader but when i meet someone eye to eye it usually becomes obvious of the mood they're in or the question they might be about to ask me.

1 comment:

Andrew Sullivan said...

Good blog. I am shocked that you didn't win the competitor group but maybe if we do another one of these activities that you will win a section.