Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Questions - Cameron Richards and Austin Soares

1. Why are small companies often the first to adopt new technology? Smaller Companies are often the first to adopt new technology because they are trying to reach a larger audience because of their small size. With this tech the smaller companies can reach out to more people than they would be able to normally and that’s why they take advantage of it as fast as they can.

2. How is technology, such as YouTube, an equalizer for small businesses? This technology is an equalizer because the small companies have just as much as a chance of making a great ad or video that gets a lot of hits and there is no cost of putting these videos up so they don’t have to spend money to show their ad which puts them on the same playing field when it comes to that sort of thing.

3. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using YouTube to advertise? The main benefit of this is that YouTube is free to use so putting up your video is free and others can view it for free. Another benefit of using YouTube to advertise is that everyone who uses YouTube can look at your video and watch it and if they enjoy it they can go out and buy the product but with this benefit comes a drawback. This drawback is that since everyone can view, rate and comment this allows people who don’t enjoy your product to comment on it and down rate the video which may turn others into thinking your product may not be what they thought it was.

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