Wednesday, February 24, 2010


When a new technology is developed it’s “easier” for a smaller company to test it out. If the technology flops the smaller company will have had less to lose but in the case of the technology making a hit the smaller company also has more to gain. YouTube gives a smaller company the ability to broaden its horizons. Like the bigger company, YouTube allows the smaller company to broadcast to more areas with little or no ease. Technology such as that levels the playing field. Benefits for using YouTube to advertise would be a larger amount of viewers for a cheap or no price. Everyone with a computer can access YouTube and then access your videos for free. Drawbacks would be the fact not everyone does have a computer. A drawback yet benefit at the same time are the options of search. You can search any video, find any video but that’s the only way to actually view a video; where as a commercial just pops up and you’re “forced” to watch, with YouTube you can easily just click onto another video.

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