The article "Fewer Youths Jump Behind the Wheel at 16" is about how, due to newer laws and expenses, fewer teenagers are eager to get their licenses. Massachusetts recently started enforcing new laws, starting in September 2008. Even though we thought these laws were strict, other states have laws that are even stricter. For example, the curfews are earlier, in places like Delaware and Illinois, to make sure that teenagers stay safer. I think that since more teenagers are getting killed in car accidents, rules need to be strongly enforced in order for the percent to decrease. We both think that the cost of driver's education is too expensive and should be cheaper, since the cost of gas is going down. Since the costs are so high, many teenagers are not able to afford the number of road lessons needed for them to be able to get their licenses. With the gas prices dropping and raising on a daily basis, teenagers can not afford to pay to have a car, which results in them not getting their license.
WE ARE NUMBAH 1&2! foaevaah!
good job #'s
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