Welcome seniors! I hope to be able to share a lot of insightful ideas through our Senior Writis Blog! We'll be able to cover a lot of content here. Please remember to keep the content appropriate for school. Avoid using last names. Language should be appropriate and definitely no name-calling. Respect each other's opinions and feel free to share your opinion without being slammed.
yaay seniors :)
oh hello
i want bre's mommas chocolate cake!
Seniors '09 : ]
it is THAT bad.
yeahhh seniors :D
seniorsss rockk (:
09 baby!
i just wanna go to the rooftops and scream i love my best friends in cit.
i love daige.
lol mandox.
that's really nice. real mature :)
wow u guys are all nice to each other -_-
dnt care
Oh! Yeah this is where we all try to get along?
cant we all just get alongggggg ; )
Only if I doubt that happening though.
chocolate cake & jax with Beccaroo sounds realllllyy good right about now : )
that sounds so good : )
Yummy o.o i would like some cake too.
bloaastt charles buckwheat the thirddd.
i'll bring some in for yah mike. as long as me&becca dont destroy it first. haha, you should see the size of the pieces becca eats ; )
I think that we should have a party tommorow. just because it's a holiday. : ) pleassssee.
yeahh food talk makes me hungry :D
i'll bring tons of candy. someone get on the mountain dew.
nice pic dave (: aha
make uhm real food too :D
ill make brownies
if I ever find my costume and the rest of seasaw's, i'll get around to cooking some fatty-tatty stuff :)
FOOD! I want some now. I'm soo hungry!
Does anyone even know if we can have a "GATHERING?"
no. whocares?
paige! don't forget to look for the arm for that costume! :)
haha no one knows if we can or not lol
blondie next door got to bring in some secret stuff yesterday. we'll be secret! maybe she won't read this, aha :)
party! party! party!
yaaaaayyy(: sounds good to me!
i'll bring the cake? haha
i wasn't talking about playground equipment, silly.
YO everyone go to dave traut and put your name on the list for what your bringing in please.
ummmmmmm i loveee youuu people(:
hey guys! i was supposed to come in later today buttt no one was home when i woke up! yay. but yeah felicia told me about this so i came to check it out!
mama fabs.. you're l8 and left out.
happy halloween guys : )
p.s. i hope you people like chips! haha
happy halloween to you too(:
Happy Halloween everyone have fun!
i just remembered that i had a blogspot and this is the first thing i saw :[ i miss u all
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