Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Snazzy Picklesss!

Through this activity was cool, with that being said i liked that it was anonymous and that we had the freedom of choosing the best answers to fit the category with out hurting peoples feelings. I was not selected for any of the category's and i am just fine with that, every person has their flaws.

When we were talking about "seeing channels" i hadn't realized how much it is used everyday by most of the people you talk to on a daily basis. It is a very useful thing to know how to use properly, if your sending bad seeing channels then that could result in the other party or parties to do or think the wrong thing.


xojazzi said...

Just because you didn't win the vote of any categories you were still chosen for some and that all that matters! Your a great friend and a great person don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise :)

Matt R said...

Hey Pickle, your a great friend and I trust you with many thinks as well(you know what information)
Great Job :]

Shanika Rosa said...

Jayme you did a great job & i can see that you was chosen on some of the categories. I have chosen you to be my friend. i love you & your a great friend. :)

Harding:} said...

ahaha..pickles. :3 ahahaha

Jaymekins said...

Awww Mattchew your soo nice =p
Jazzzi booo you are the bestest ily kiddo

Jaymekins said...

Thanks shanikaa!

Jaymekins said...

Harding im all pickled outt

Shanika Rosa said...

Npp Jayme :)

Michelle Sylvia said...

Jaimie - sometimes not being chosen is a GOOD thing! It could mean that you're not putting yourself out there as a whack-o! You were nominated for a LOT of categories, so people are thinking of you in a certain way. That's good. :)

Michelle Sylvia said...

P.S. I love pickles - especially kosher dill. yum