When you make a website you should try to avoid having your website look like lingscars.com. There are too many pictures all over the website. Most of the pictures are moving and it makes it hard to focus. The website doesn’t have a color scheme. There are way too many colors and the fonts are all different sizes. There are also way too many different topics on each page. At least they were consistent with their horrible format throughout the whole site. I can’t believe anyone would think this website ever okay to publish. Everything is clustered and it’s hard to read. If this website is supposed be their business then they are making themselves seem unprofessional.
If you want to make a good website you should look at the layout of allmusic.com because the website is organized and is easy to navigate. The website has a consistent color scheme and font style. Also all the ads on the website can relate to the users of the website. All the things on the website relate to the same topic.
I agree with you on your bad website, though with your good website i couldn't debate about it's easy navigation. Though i think the setup shouldn't show the adds right under the navigation bar.
Well, well, you have described my website as "bad" - LINGsCARS.com.
What you silly people fail to realise is that websites need to make money, and mine makes over $500,000 a year, and moves over $5million (at retail prices) of new UK cars. You should research properly and figure "where is the money" before deciding on a simplistic judgement.
My website is, actually, brilliant. It transacts on really high priced goods and has over 1,000 buying customers a year. No other website in my sector manages this.
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