My desktop isn’t really filled with a bunch of my stuff, but you could definitely learn a little bit about me from it. If you were to look through my files you’d find pictures from all different events like my sweet sixteen, junior prom, and just me hanging out with my friends. I bet you’d also find documents from when I was in middle school too because my computer is pretty old. I do not think what is on our computers shape us; I think we shape what’s on them. If you think about it, we put everything on there, so it’s kind of like a little part of us, but not all of what we are and do. When I’m famous and my computer is in a museum, I think people will like seeing the pictures on there. Pictures tell stories and show memories, which is always interesting to me. I would not want anybody looking over my internet search history because honestly that’s probably the most personal thing on my computer. I look up health issues, personal and probably embarrassing things that I would not want to display to the world. If I could take a peek into a famous figures’ computer, it would be Steve Jobs, co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. I’d like to see some of his designs for things he’s created and what’s coming next.
Allie Grant
1 comment:
Hey Allie - I have tons of pictures on my computer too! Love the story they tell over the years. You have some excellent points in your blog post about the privacy of Internet searches, etc.
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