Monday, March 29, 2010

Devin gillespie

By looking at my computer and browsing through all of my things, you would learn a lot about me. Some things that you'd learn would be that I like to keep in contact with family and friends but using social networking sites like MySpace and Face Book. I would say that our computers and their contents definitely we shape them as well. My computer represents me and how I feel about things. I have music on my computer, pictures, colorful images, etc. Nothing would be the exact same on somebody else's computer. People would be interested in seeing famous peoples' computers because you can really tell the type of person that they are by the things that they research, websites they frequently go on, pictures that they have saved, and applications that they use. There are some things that are on my computer between files, applications, my personal web sites, that I wouldn't want to be on "display" in a museum. Not that there is anything necessarily bad, but because there are some things that I like to keep private or if not private, through tight boundaries of close family and friends. I would like to access any famous person's computer, really. There is so much you can learn and so much truth that would come out by looking at somebody's computer.


Michelle Sylvia said...

I'm afraid if someone accessed my computer they'd be bored to death. :) My pics mean a lot to me, but would be ho-hum for others! Does that mean my life is ho-hum? Hmm....gonna have to do something about that!

Devin said...

No! Pictures say a thousand words and they mean something to YOU. That means something. So of course your life is not just "ho-hum." And people like to look at pictures of other people too! It's like they were almost in that moment with you and they can guess your emotions and feelings. So, no Mrs. Sylvia, your life is not ho-hum.