Thursday, September 17, 2009

Driver Texting Now an Issue in the Back Seat

Are you serious? Texting in the backseat is now harmful to the driver? This is ridiculous. These critics say that “electronics not only put lives at risk, but also steal attention from passengers hoping for some quality catch-up time.” In a recent survey conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, found that 48 percent of people worry about a friend or family member driving unsafely, and 19 percent said the reason of their concern was texting or doing something else behind the wheel. Okay, so obviously we know not to text behind the wheel. Yes people still do, but we all know we are not supposed to. Now, they are finding excuses to eliminate texting everywhere you go! I didn’t start texting till a couple months ago and it has never been such a problem until now. They are trying to make it seem like texting is the worst thing in the world and that it is dangerous to everyone who uses it. OMG! TEXTING IS GOING TO END THE WORLD NOW! Seriously? In the survey a woman, Ms. Macauley, said. To her, talking on the phone or texting while driving, unless it’s an emergency, is “completely gross.” Okay, so texting is not gross. I don’t understand why people make a huge deal about it. Yes I agree with the rule that states that we should not be texting while driving. It’s kind of common sense that you’re supposed to be paying attention to the road and not your phone. Stop trying to bend the rules by saying, “well, I don’t look at my phone when I’m driving. I just text the world without looking.” You need to read the damn message before you reply to it! And the survey said 33% feel pressured to text if someone else in the car is driving. Okay if you feel the sudden urge to text just because other people are doing it you might have an addiction to texting. That’s pretty bad if that applies to you, but whatever. They can make all the laws they want, it doesn’t mean that everyone is going to follow them. We should be able to text anywhere in the car as long as we are not behind the wheel!


allie (: said...

We agree. If the person texting in the back seat isn't distracting the driver, then what's the big deal? The person driving needs to pay more attention to what's going on in the road rather than in the back seat.

-allie & bree.

Savanna said...

When your driving, you shouldn't be on the phone period, its common sense. But other people in the car whom arn't driving they can't text either? Thats non-sense. If mom's driving, she doesn't need to be on the phone talking nor texting, but if I'm in the back seat or where ever in the car not driving I don't see how texting is a distraction to my mom, when she should be paying attention to the road. My texting doesn't affect her driving.