Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Senior Projects

Senior projects are finally over! It seems like it'd never get here. It took forever to choose what I wanted to do. Making a magazine definitely took more work than I had thought. From choosing a name to writing the articles, it took months to complete my magazine. The hardest part was printing process. Figuring out the page numbers and everything was difficult but it all came together in the end. There are a few things that I could have done to make my presentation better than it was. Like almost every other senior, I procrastinated until weeks before the project was due and printed my project last minute. If I were to recommend anything to the underclassmen, it would be to not hold your project off until the last minute because the judges will be able to tell. Overall, senior projects were stressful but presentations were not as bad as I thought they were going to be. They're nothing to be nervous about.

  • Chelsea Pontes

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