My senior project day was easy. I think that what was stretched out to be a horrifying thing actually was just like all of ours presentations. I just remained calm and just said I know I can do this. Just confidence is the key to success. To any younger classes just do your senior project to get it out of the way so you don't have a giant weight over your shoulder. -Robin LaChance
This is a blog for the seniors in CIT. Hopefully we'll gain insight into our world and have fun in the process!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Senior Project Advice and Thoughts – Sarah Fabianski
Senior projects were definitely worth the stress. After giving my presentation, I felt that all that hard work was worth it. When I sat down and began my presentation, I didn't think was going to do well at all, but once I started and was going through my PowerPoint, I felt a lot more confident and was very happy that I had gone through my slides and planned exactly what I was going to say. I definitely would like to tell any underclassmen that you want to go through your presentation multiple times. I know you're told this all the time, but do it. It helps so much to just read through notes, think about what you want to say, and actually say it. You might think that thinking about it would be enough, but when you get to the presentation and you haven't practiced at all, you might not even be organized. But, like I said, overall, the presentation and senior project as a whole went really well and as long as you practice and don't stress, you'll do great J
Alright let's start off months before the project was even due. I started my project with no direction or a want to do it so I didn't. About one week before we had to present I decided that I really needed to finish this project or I would have just wasted 12 years of my life. Dan Moxley and I cracked down and finished it. I worked on the presentation about 2 hours before mine and ended up getting a 98. My recommendation to you sophomores is start earlier. Unless you are an amazing procrastinator like me and Dan. I also recommend that you practice your presentation multiple times. I think that presenting was nerve racking but nothing you guys can't handle. Good luck your senior year!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Senior Project Blog
My senior project was how to use QuickBooks. I had several up and downs thoughtout this project. I must say the hardest part was never using QuickBooks before and not really having anyone to help me besides the tutorials. Once I got the hang of it and did a few entries it was pretty easy and seemed natural. I did keep running into problems here and there few out the project but somehow I found my way over them and kept going. I must say I got my project done a lot faster than expected and it came out so much better too. I am so happy that it's finally over and I don't have to worry or stress about it anymore and I can just relax now. If I had any advice for future seniors it would be to start it earlier like in October and be organized that way you're not running around and freaking out at last minute, and practice your presentations before its time to actually present it.
Rebecca Durocher
Senior Projects; Linda Sirois
Wow! Where do I start? Senior projects are intense. They are finally over! I had my project all planned out and about a month ago I changed the whole thing! That was pretty tough because I had already had some of the project done. I think the hardest part for the project was the financial plan because it was pretty extensive. If I could give one piece of advice to anyone who is going to do a senior project, it would be not to procrastinate. That is the worst thing about being a senior, we feel like we can slack off because we are seniors. When you start hearing about senior projects, you should start working on it even if it is just a little bit because time flies! If I could take away one thing from doing this project it would be not to stress it so much because whatever you come out with, as long as you try is going to be good. Be confident in your work because if you're not confident then you won't be able to do the presentation.
Senior Presentation Review
Going into the room with judges and waiting to begin was nerve racking. I pretty much knew what I was going to talk about but I wasn't sure how they would take it since I thought my project could be better like others were. I had my note cards but I barely glanced at them due to nervousness but overall I think I did well I just wish I remembered to shake their hands! I can't believe I forgot to do that, maybe next time then.
The worst of my presentation I think was me trying to explain what accounting is. I knew what it was I just felt like I didn't explain it well enough or in depth. My best part I think was when I compared Quicken and QuickBooks I feel that how I explained it was good, efficient, and knowledgeable. I enjoyed showing my work to the judges and was proud of what I found. My advice to you sophomores is make sure you take full advantage of the time you are given for senior projects, don't wait until the last minute to do it, and when the day comes…prepare….prepare….and PREPARE! Show those judges what the students in CIT can do! Make us proud! Never let them see you sweat.
Senior Project Experience-Victoria Sousa
Honestly I was very nervous going into my Senior Project Presentation. I wasn't nervous this morning when I got up or even when we went down to the library. The first time I began to get nervous was when my mom got to the school. I was more nervous about presenting this in front of my mom, than I was presenting to the judges. I think this was because I didn't really know the judges (aside from Mrs. Barrar and Mr. Riendeau) and it made it easier to present it to them. I thought the presentation went ok. It definitely didn't go as smoothly. I think (especially at the beginning) my nerves got the best of me. Once I relaxed and stuck to my points it went ok. If I had a do over I would definitely do it differently and would have done a run through in front of the class. I didn't really think about how I was going to explain my website as well as my business plan. I think that is where I struggled in my presentation.
I felt that when it came to answering the judge's questions I was able to answer them confidently and knowledgeably.
I had a really awesome time on this project. I learned a lot (like how to create a business plan) as well as trying something new on a concept I already have experience in (using a web template for my web site instead of creating my site from scratch like I usually do). I'm glad that I chose the topic that I did and could teach others about wheelchair sports as well. Overall, I was very proud of my final product and was relieved when the presentation was over. If I could give advice to underclassmen regarding senior projects it would be to definitely do a run through before the real presentation.
Senior Project Day- Your Best or Your Worst
Walking into the judging room and not knowing where to begin can be nerve-racking. I knew everything I wanted to say when walking into the room but as soon as I opened my mouth I forgot everything that I practiced.
But, as soon as you start, everything gets better. For me to be nervous wasn't even necessary. To tell you the truth my presentation flew by. Knowing everything about my project helped so much, if you make your project less than a week before will defiantly ruin your chances at acing your project. Show them what you did, what you researched, show them an example if you need to. Anything you do can raise your grade and impress the judges even more.
Steven Chapman - Senior Project
I think truthfully it was not as bad as some people had made it out to be. But I am glad that it is done and over with and I don't have to worry about it anymore. The only thing that I would have to say to the underclassmen is to not even sweat it.
It isn't bad and you can mostly make it up while you are presenting it to the judges. And to make sure that you show them some examples of what you made for a product. You should also make sure that you have an idea of what you are talking about before you try to make anything up.
Neal Anderson – Senior Project
Wowzah! That was rough. At least it's over now and we don't have to worry about it anymore. I didn't really like my project but I liked the idea. I feel like I wasted too much time in the beginning not working on my project and spent my time doing other non-productive things instead. If I had to give any advice to the juniors who have to do this next year, my advice would be to take advantage of the time that the teachers give you. I wasted a lot of time and I wasn't prepared as well as I could have been. It's more than enough time if you use it wisely.
Senior Project
I thought the senior project was a lot of work at first. I loved my idea thanks to Mrs. Sylvia. All of the work I put into it was worth it. In the end the presentation was a piece of cake. I don't think it could have been any easier. I felt so comfortable around the judges they were easy to talk to and they thought my ideas were great which made me even more confident.
Getting everything together and trying to figure out what I was going to say was the most difficult for me. I didn't know for the life of me what I could possibly say to explain my business. Once I started and got into it was a breeze from there on.
--Brittny Tremblay
Senior Project – Tracey Anderson
Presenting my senior project to the judges wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. The project is yours that you created and you should be the one to know everything about what you did on the project. The judges only want to know what you did on the project and grade you on how you present it. It's okay to be nervous about it, but it's no big deal.
Everyone makes a big deal about it and makes it appear worse than it actually is. When you get into the room you expect them to stare at you and make comments on how you could have done better. It's nothing like that. When you walk into the room you should just introduce yourself and present your project to the judges like you would present it to your class. When it's over they ask you a few questions about the project and sometimes where you would see yourself and the project in the future.
My advice to anyone who is presenting their senior project is to not be nervous. If for some reason you do get nervous just admit it to the judges. Everyone gets nervous on their senior project.
Senior Project Blog
If I could recommend anything to the juniors I recommend that you start as soon as possible. In the beginning of junior year you think you have a whole year to do it so you procrastinate. Next thing you know a year has gone by and you haven't even started. I was thinking about what the seniors last year told us. Don't wait until last minute, and they weren't kidding! I would also recommend that you choose a project with a topic that you enjoy doing. A few of my friends chose things just because it was an idea and they had no motivation to work on it. You want to make sure it is something you would like to learn about. The teachers are finally leaving our biggest project of the year to us, use it to your advantage.
I would have to say the best part of senior project is when you look back at what you've done and realize "wow." The best feeling is walking out that room and feeling like you rocked the presentation. All that hard work was worth it in the end.
I would have to say my least most favorite part of senior project was starting it and doing the story board. Once I decided what I wanted to do it was all easy from there. The information I put into the database was tedious and took forever but it was simple.
In conclusion, I think that if I were to do the senior project over again I would pick the same thing. I actually enjoyed learning access. I think the reason I enjoyed it most was because I incorporated shopping into it.
Savannah Tavares
Senior Project Blog
I thought Senior Projects was insane. I was really nervous up until my actual presentation, and then everything was fine. The presentation itself came naturally and it went by so fast. This whole entire project has gone by really fast. I wish I had worked a little bit harder on my actual product. The thing I liked about senior projects is that it was just like a weekly shop project, only stretched out for a whole year. The one thing I didn't like is that we actually had to do it, ahaha. I'm just really glad it's over. If I could give advice to the underclassmen, I'd tell them to NOT procrastinate! The judges can definitely tell who worked hard and who waited... unless of course you're Dave Trauterman. I guess overall, the project wasn't that bad. ~ Paige
Senior Presentations
Thank god it's over! I have to say it came quick though. Overall I enjoyed today. Not going to lie, I was very nervous up until my time to present. On the bright side, it's over and done with! I presented right after lunch today and I wasn't too happy about that though. I'd rather have been one of the first so I could just do it and get it over with but it's alright. Overall I think my presentation went alright. I felt that I could have done way better. Nerves definitely kicked in and held me back from doing my best. I had a great start. I had a great introduction, and made sure to shake all of the judge's hands. Throughout the presentation I got a little nervous and lost my train of thought. I wish I had explained things better and brought up more points. The ending went pretty well though. The judge's and I had a great conversation and related to each other on some things. I also enjoyed the judge's I had; they were all very nice and respectful throughout my presentation. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The best part about today would have to be that we got it done and over with! I'm very glad we did this today!=)
As for the sophomores, the only advice I have for you is do NOT wait until the last minute. You're almost juniors. Get started asap! Time flies by when you're a senior; don't let it catch up to you. Ask for help when needed and most of all pick something you're really interested in and have fun with it! Good luck everyone!
Senior Project
I freaked out completely. I was so nervous I couldn't eat breakfast. While I was on my way to present I felt like screaming. Then I get in there and it was like nothing. You present in shop for four years so you have nothing to worry about. It's the best feeling afterwards because you know that you don't EVER have to do it again.
Megan Davenport
Senior Project
The night before my senior project I was very apprehensive and even though I practiced my presentation repetitively I felt unprepared. Not knowing the judges made it a lot easier. My mother on the other hand made me feel more nervous, weirdly enough you would think it would be vice versa where the judges made me more uncomfortable than my mother. I was up all night honestly worrying for absolutely nothing at all. I walked in, set up, got introduced and then reintroduced myself individually to each one of the judges. On my tri-fold board I had my key talking points set out then individually went into more detail. I passed out my brochures, business cards, and menus. Then I showed them my website on the computer and explained to them how I designed it. I also talked about the learning stretch and also how my paper tied into my project. I was originally disappointed about going first, but that was actually an advantage because the judges had no one else to compare it to, and I also didn't have to spend the rest of the day worrying.
I put a lot of time and effort into my project. I actually enjoyed working on my website. I learned a lot about Adobe Photoshop, I experimented with a lot of the tools and learned how to better manipulate pictures. I also used Adobe In design for the first time it was very interesting. It was similar to Microsoft Publisher, but it has more detailed options which made my brochure look a lot better than it could of in Publisher. I am glad that it is over, and I am glad that I got to experience it to I enjoyed presenting and designing my website.
Makayla Soule
Senior Project
The overview of the senior project for me was easy, we knew about it since freshman year even though we we're not given the same amount of time as other classes were. I thought doing a business plan wasn't bad and making business cards and a logo were very easy because knew how to use those programs. It was nerve wracking for me to present a few weeks ago but when I was practicing the night before I realized it was going to be a piece of cake because I was the one who created the company, I knew everything about it. The judges were extremely nice, I did everything I was told to do like shake their hands and smile. If I could give any advice to the underclassmen it would be just get it done and don't wait till the night before to practice it just be ready for it because it will show if you're not.
Senior Projects
Senior projects are finally over! It seems like it'd never get here. It took forever to choose what I wanted to do. Making a magazine definitely took more work than I had thought. From choosing a name to writing the articles, it took months to complete my magazine. The hardest part was printing process. Figuring out the page numbers and everything was difficult but it all came together in the end. There are a few things that I could have done to make my presentation better than it was. Like almost every other senior, I procrastinated until weeks before the project was due and printed my project last minute. If I were to recommend anything to the underclassmen, it would be to not hold your project off until the last minute because the judges will be able to tell. Overall, senior projects were stressful but presentations were not as bad as I thought they were going to be. They're nothing to be nervous about.
- Chelsea Pontes
Senior Projects Blog Post
I feel like my senior project went pretty well. It definitely wasn't perfect, but hey, everyone gets at least a little bit nervous, right? I liked the business I had come up with, but I hated the Business Plan part –it was soooo hard! I completely froze up when the judges asked me about the financial part. I tried to understand the figures while I was making them, but it just wasn't happening. Now that senior projects are over, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. No more worrying! It's all doneJ Now I can finally sleep at night. As for some advice for the underclassmen- DON'T WAIT TIL ITS TOO LATE! –Breanne Wright