Almost every person nowadays has created an account on a social networking site to keep in touch with family and friends, or even just to try it out. We all have, haven't we? When using facebook, twitter, msyspace, xxanga, ext. we are all opening ourselves up to strangers. They can find out where we live, where we go to school, what kind of car we drive, and so on. Social networking sites make it easier for people to spam you, and create stalkers. Everyone should learn how to limit the information they put out there. You should limit that only the people you know should be your friends, and see the information you decide to post. And the most important is to make sure you remember that whatever you post, you cannot take it back!
This is a blog for the seniors in CIT. Hopefully we'll gain insight into our world and have fun in the process!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Why Facebook is After Your Kids
Did you know that over 7.5 million kids 12 and under are starting to use Facebook? In The New York Times article Why Facebook is After Your Kids, they talk about how younger kids are logging onto Facebook and can use it without parents permission. Some people believe that kids this young should not be able to access Facebook until and older age. I agree with this article that kids 12 and younger are still too young to be using Facebook. I feel that Facebook should be used for socializing with friends and family but when they are mature enough to use it. Kids under the age of 13 are still young, and they can be quite immature. They try and grow up too fast and could possibly do something stupid online, like add strangers or post inappropriate content. you never know who's out there and i feel kids under the age of 12 should wait to use Facebook.
How to protect your precious child from the horrors of social networking

In the wonderful world of the internet Social Networking has predominantly become the most popular form of websites for teens and young adults to visit. Although these websites offer a virtual community and the convenience of easy communication they can be a very dangerous place. Almost 72% of teens have an account on these social networking websites. Almost 32% of these geniuses have their personal information available to the public. Members on these "social networking" websites are commonly victims of some form of verbal abuse. Though these situations are easily avoidable, just man up and tell someone or do something about it yourself. Social Networking can be though of as a convenient form of communication. Like all things Social Networking has it's problems but most can be avoided by using common sense. I would like to thank this website for all the information.
Social Networking
There are so many different social networking sites out there such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and more. Most sites restrict you from making an account with them if you are under 13, but there aren't really was to find out if they are putting the correct age. Most kids are just putting an age their not so that they can create an account for which ever social networking site of their pleasure. Some scientist worry that the pre - adolescents use of social networking sites could bring damage to children's relationships and brains. Therapists have also linked this too internet addiction among adults.
Online Sharing & How Fast It's Growing

To read the actual article Click Here
Social Networking: Is it good or bad?
A lot of people use social networking sites these days including me. They are a way of communicating to friends for some people but it can also be dangerous. If your privacy settings are set to public then any person can look and your profile and see the information about yourself that you have posted. I think it is better to have at least SOME privacy protection on your profile. Do you have any privacy settings for your profile? I do but its only limited. Maybe i should have more protection for my profile. You may also have some people that you are friends with on your social networking profile that arnt actually your friends. Do you want those people to know all of the information that you have posted on your profile? I know that I don't. I still think that social networking is fine and should only be allowed to ages 12 and up. But that is just me. So maybe after you read this you will go home and change your social networking profile settings to have at least some privacy. That would be the smart thing to do.
Social networking online
Social Networking: is it bad for our children?
All parents dread to hear the "F" word in their house, Facebook. but how can parents control their kids on social websites and as a parent how will the sites protect your children’s identity? According to a news story done by the The Telegraph in the UK, parents think about their child's safety all the time when they are on the computer. According to the article, they worn children that they should never confuse Facebook with real life. The article went on to say that the impact of these networks is actually minimal on children. But what is troubling, is that with the increasing number of mobile phones among kids, it gives kids 24 hours a day to use social networking on their phone and most parents couldn't electronically police. I believe that children under the age of 15 should not be able to start using social networking sites. There should also be more education to children about their safety on these sites and how to make there profiles private. Educating children more about social sites, would help better the newest generation about online safety.
To read the whole news story, click here.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Social Networking can be a positive thing and a negative thing. If you set your social networking sites (Facebook & MySpace) to private, you will most likely be more safe them if you kept your profiles public to the open. Think before you post any pictures online, you don't know who might see them. If your working for a company and you post a picture of you partying one night, you wouldn't want your boss to see!
Social Networking
With today's technology, people as young as 12 are getting a Facebook, twitter, and/or a Myspace; but do they know they could be endangering themselves? The majority of people do not use their Privacy settings to their full advantage, and that could potentially get them in some kind of pickle. Lets say you applied at a job that you have been working your way up to get, you get called in for an interview, everything was going great. Then the Interviewer pulls up your Facebook ( or other profile online) and you have a picture of you drinking Jack Daniels right out of the bottle as your default, chances are you might not get the job. Think before you post.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Why Should Kids Under the Age of 13 Not Use Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter

The Reason why kids under the age of 13 is because if they start using the site when they're younger than the required age would cause them to make up a fake age (around the age of 15-18 some might put an even more outrageous age than 15-18 and would post alot of private information that they think won't been seen by the public if they put the profile to public when the information will be visible to everyone and will easily get into trouble and not know whats gonna happen from they're actions.

Should Children Be Allowed On Facebook?
Many people are saying that they don't want their son or daughter using Facebook at the age of 13. One of the parent said that none of their kids use Facebook, but they find that there not that bothered by the idea. I think that children would be safer on Facebook if they were allowed there with limits. One of the parent friend under 12 a friend of the son's. She accepted the friend request and did her mother because she was hoping that by the time she and her son are 16, she will have forgotten the she's there. Letting them sign up legally under their real ages which now they have to hide would allow Facebook to develop stricter privacy control's for that age group. Facebook argument that millions of children 7.5 million under 12 are already on Facebook. I think that these parents are correct because it’s really dangerous seeing a 13 year old or under on Facebook.
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